Report Player
Submit a player
Here you will be able to submit a ban for a player who is breaking the rules of the gameserver. When submitting a ban we request you to fill out all the fields to be as descriptive as possible in your comments. This will ensure that your ban submission is processed much faster.

For a short explination on how to create a demo, click here

Ban Details:
Players SteamID:
Players IP:
Players Nick Name*:
(Please write down a descriptive comment. So NO comments like: "hacking")
Your Name:
Your Email*:
Upload demo:
Note: Only DEM, ZIP, RAR, 7Z, BZ2 or GZ allowed.
* = Mandatory Field  
What happens if someone gets banned?
If someone gets banned, the specific STEAMID or IP will be included in this SourceBans database and everytime this player tries to connect to one of our servers he/she will be blocked and will receive a message that they are blocked by SourceBans.
Kopfloch (16.01.2021 22:03)

Heyho ihr lieben. Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr. Und JA ich lebe noch. Bleibt alle Gesund und Fit!

merzi (19.03.2018 18:35)

blubb, blubbb

Natural (18.03.2018 19:19)


Radekko (12.02.2017 18:13)


könnt ihr mich bitte entbannen
mfg radek

SnaKe (28.08.2016 22:26)

bissel lächerlich ja ??? selber nicht an eure server regel halten dann die leute bannen :D

platyn (24.06.2016 19:49)

Wurde gebannt wegen unpassenden Namen. platyyyn - unpassender Name. Ok. GJ